The reflection on university management is based on the question about the shape of universities of the future. Civic, responsible, sustainable, virtual, digital, and many other universities can be mentioned among the concepts present in the literature. All these names describe an important distinctive feature of a university, which will gain more and more importance in the future. However, giv…
Every chapter in the widely distributed first edition has been updated, and four new chapters on current issues such as connectivism and social software innovations have been added. Essays by practitioners and scholars active in the complex, diverse, and rapidly evolving field of distance education blend scholarship and research; practical attention to the details of teaching and learning; and …
This open access edited volume is a comparative effort to discern the short-term educational impact of the covid-19 pandemic on students, teachers and systems in Brazil, Chile, Finland, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States. One of the first academic comparative studies of the educational impact of the pandemic, the bo…
Buku ini menulilskan kajian tentang konsep, model, dan implementasi sistem penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi terbuka ditinjau dari berbagai perspektif, khususnya pendidikan terbuka sebagai alat untuk membangun sumberdaya insani Indonesia, untuk menghadirkan keadilan sosial, untuk memberikan pelayanan publik, untuk mendemokratisasikan pendidikan, dan untuk menciptakan keadilan ekonomi; yang pada…
Buku ini berisi kumpulan tulisan dalam bentuk esai terkait sistem pendidikan jarak jauh yang disampaikan dengan bahasa sederhana agar dapat dipahami oleh semua kalangan. Tulisan dalam buku ini menyajikan narasi hasil dari pengamatan, pengalaman, dan gagasan perspektif milenial sehingga menjadi warna tersendiri terhadap gambaran pendidikan jarak jauh.
For many learners, assessment conjures up visions of red pens scrawling percentages in the top right-hand corner of exams and feelings of stress, inadequacy, and failure. Although learners sometimes respond negatively to evaluation, assessments have provided educational institutions with important information about learning outcomes and the quality of education for many decades. But how accurat…
Dunia berputar dengan putaran yang terasa semakin cepat. Tentu bukan putaran planet bumi yang semakin cepat, tetapi perkembangan yang terjadi dalam kehidupan kita. Perkembangan teknologi yang sekarang disebut-sebut tengah mengalami revolusi industri ke-4 telah berimbas ke segala sendi kehidupan kita. Bahkan jauh sebelum itu, perkembangan teknologi secara pasti telah mengubah berbagai dimensi ke…
Learning to Learn Online prepares you for success in your online journey by introducing you to the unique features of the online learning environment, and providing tools for understanding yourself and your role as a self-directed learner. The first part of the book focuses on three key questions: 1. Who am I as an online learner? 2. Who am I on my online learning journey with? 3. Who are…
This book provides an updated look at issues that comprise the online learning experience creation process. As online learning evolves, the lines and distinctions between various classifications of courses has blurred and often vanished. Classic elements of instructional design remain relevant at the same time that newer concepts of learning experience are growing in importance. However, proble…
A one-stop knowledge resource, Emerging Technologies in Distance Education showcases the international work of research scholars and innovative distance education practitioners who use emerging interactive technologies for teaching and learning at a distance. This widely anticipated book harnesses the dispersed knowledge of international experts who highlight pedagogical, organizational, cultur…