This book has been designed for the orientation and training of specialists in open and distance learning methods in Asia. It is the outcome of the collaborative PANdora research and development initiative (2005–2008) between 24 open and distance learning (ODL) institutions, government departments, and nongovernmental organizations in 13 Asian countries. The need for thrift and ingenuity i…
This book documents the regulatory framework covering quality assurance in distance education in several Asian countries. It draws on the experience of 16 distance education and e-learning institutions to reveal their main challenges in developing quality assurance systems. While offering solutions to these challenges, the book demonstrates that staff engagement is the key to creating a culture…
Buku ini menulilskan kajian tentang konsep, model, dan implementasi sistem penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi terbuka ditinjau dari berbagai perspektif, khususnya pendidikan terbuka sebagai alat untuk membangun sumberdaya insani Indonesia, untuk menghadirkan keadilan sosial, untuk memberikan pelayanan publik, untuk mendemokratisasikan pendidikan, dan untuk menciptakan keadilan ekonomi; yang pada…
Dunia berputar dengan putaran yang terasa semakin cepat. Tentu bukan putaran planet bumi yang semakin cepat, tetapi perkembangan yang terjadi dalam kehidupan kita. Perkembangan teknologi yang sekarang disebut-sebut tengah mengalami revolusi industri ke-4 telah berimbas ke segala sendi kehidupan kita. Bahkan jauh sebelum itu, perkembangan teknologi secara pasti telah mengubah berbagai dimensi ke…
For observers elsewhere in the world, the most striking feature of distance education (DE) in Asia is the mega-universities and mega-schools that have added many millions to the global tally of distance learners in recent decades. These are institutions such as China’s radio and television universities (now called the Open University of China) and India’s National Institute for Open Schooli…