Kondisi lingkungan bawah permukaan, sejauh ini, belum menjadi bahan pertimbangan bila terjadi sesuatu permasalahan dipermukaan, seperti banjir, amblesan, atau perubahan kualitas air di suatu daerah. Sangat sulit untuk mengubah paradigma 'out of sight, out of mind' menjadi paradigma yang mengikutsertakan faktor yang tidak terlihat. Begitu juga yang terjadi di Cekungan Jakarta, semua permasalahan…
Latin America underwent two major transformations during the 2000s: the widespread election of left-leaning presidents (the so-called left turn) and the diffusion of conditional cash transfer programs (CCTs)—innovative social programs that award regular stipends to poor families on the condition that their children attend school. Combining cross-national quantitative research covering the ent…
The revised prose version of the Babad Tanah Jawi was originally prepared by C.F. Winter Sr. (1799-1859), with the twofold aim of providing Javanese-language teaching material and of setting a standard for formal Javanese prose writing. At that time, Javanese was almost exclusively written in verse, which was not a medium suitable for the modern world that was dawning on Java. Although Winter a…
"Drawing on extensive archival research and interviews, this book delves into the rich world of Ghanaian fashion, demonstrating how, over time, local dress styles and materials have been fused with global trends to create innovative, high fashion garments that reflect a distinctly Ghanaian cosmopolitanism. Ghana has a complex and diverse fashion culture which was in evidence before independence…
This book is an extended argument for abandoning the species rank. Instead, the author proposes that the rank of "species" be replaced by a pluralistic and multi-level view. In such a view, all clades including the smallest identifiable one would be named and studied within a phylogenetic context. What are currently called "species" represent different sorts of things depending on the sort of o…
With the rapid increase in the implementation of e-Government in Africa and across the world, the need to investigate the key bottlenecks (issues) caused by the failure of a large number of e-Government projects cannot be ignored. The main purpose of this book is to contribute to the current scholarly and intellectual discourse on different aspects of e-Government such as understanding the crit…
Based on eleven months of field work (2009-2011), this book analyzes the situation of youth in urban Gulu, Northern Uganda, in the aftermath of the war between the Lord’s Resistance Army and the Ugandan Government (1986-2006). Specifically, it focuses on the generation that was born and grew up during the 20-year war: How do members of this generation perceive and evaluate socio-cultural chan…
This open access edited volume is a comparative effort to discern the short-term educational impact of the covid-19 pandemic on students, teachers and systems in Brazil, Chile, Finland, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States. One of the first academic comparative studies of the educational impact of the pandemic, the bo…
Degradasi potensi hutan dan ekosistemnya akibat gempuran arus modernisasi secara alamiah menyebabkan kelestarian keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia terancam. Apabila kondisi ini dibiarkan, tidak menutup kemungkinan lambat laun kelangkaan, bahkan kepunahan, salah satu atau beberapa jenis tumbuhan Indonesia menjadi sesuatu yang tidak terelakkan. Menyikapi hal tersebut, salah satu solusi strateg…
Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia seharusnya bisa mengandalkan perikanan laut sebagai salah satu kekuatan perekonomian nasional. Namun, tampaknya hal tersebut masih jauh dari harapan. Masyarakat nelayan masih didera persoalan klasik, yaitu kesulitan mendapatkan modal pinjaman. Terlebih lagi, lembaga keuangan formal sebagai mitra pemerintah dalam merealisasikan program peningk…