This open access book discusses challenges in school improvement research and different methodological approaches that have the potential to foster school improvement research. Research on school improvement and accountability analysis places high demands on a study’s design and method. The potential of combining the depth of case studies with the breath of quantitative measures and analyses …
Building Better Schools with Evidence-based Policy: Adaptable Policy for Teachers and School Leaders provides an extensive set of free-to-use policies for building better schools. The policies included in this book cover a broad range of popular topics for schools that are not readily accessible, and each policy is built on theory, driven by research, and created by experts. Each policy is base…
Undang Undang Nomor 43 Tahun 2007 tentang Perpustakaan Pasal 23 ayat (1) mengamanatkan bahwa setiap sekolah/madrasah menyelenggarakan perpustakaan yang memenuhi standar nasional perpustakaan dengan memperhatikan standar nasional pendidikan. Standar nasional perpustakaan tersebut terdiri atas standar koleksi perpustakaan, standar sarana dan prasarana, standar pelayanan perpustakaan, standar tena…
Dewasa ini sudah terlihat adanya usaha dalam memajukan perpustakaan sekolah di Indonesia. Terutama setelah diterbitkannya berbagai produk hukum yang mengatur perpustakaan di antaranya Undang Undang No. 43 tahun 2007 tentang Perpustakaan, Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 24 tahun 2007 tentang Standar Sarana dan Prasarana untuk Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (SD/MI), Sekolah Me…
This open access book is a comparative analysis of recent large scale education reforms that broadened curriculum goals to better prepare students for the 21st century. The book examines what governments actually do when they broaden curriculum goals, with attention to the details of implementation. To this end, the book examines system level reforms in six countries at various levels of develo…
his document constitutes the Comparative Study of the Precoll project – Policies for Regional Cooperation in Lifelong Learning, led by the Università degli Studi di Firenze-Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione e dei Processi Culturali e Formativi / University of Florence-Department of Educational Sciences and Cultural and Training Processes, in partnership with Generalitat de Catalunya (S…
This book intends to deepen the knowledge of the extended and uncertain transitions from school to work and to higher education by analysing the perspectives of youths and young adults and by addressing policies and institutional practices. The book critically examines the ‘transition machinery’ consisting of various education and training measures, projects and schemes, provided by educati…
This volume argues for the need of a common ground that bridges leadership studies, curriculum theory, and Didaktik. It proposes a non-affirmative education theory and its core concepts along with discursive institutionalism as an analytical tool to bridge these fields. It concludes with implications of its coherent theoretical framing for future empirical research.Recent neoliberal policies an…
This open access handbook brings together the latest research from a wide range of internationally influential scholars to analyze educational policy research from international, historical and interdisciplinary perspectives. By effectively breaking through the boundaries between countries and disciplines, it presents new theories, techniques and methods for contemporary education policy, and i…
This open access book describes the Reading Success project, in which a 5-step, assessment-to- intervention process, based on the Simple View of Reading, was used within a primary school setting in Australia to better support those students who struggle with reading. It provides an easily accessible overview of each step of the process involved in implementing this approach and highlights the c…