To entertain an idea is to take it in, pay attention to it, give it breathing room, dwell with it for a time. The practice of entertaining ideas suggests rumination and meditation, inviting us to think of philosophy as a form of hospitality and a kind of mental theatre. In this collection, organized around key words shared by philosophy and performance, the editors suggest that Shakespeare’s …
How does the current labour market training system function and whose interests does it serve? In this introductory textbook, Bob Barnetson wades into the debate between workers and employers, and governments and economists to investigate the ways in which labour power is produced and reproduced in Canadian society. After sifting through the facts and interpretations of social scientists and go…
Buku ini menulilskan kajian tentang konsep, model, dan implementasi sistem penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi terbuka ditinjau dari berbagai perspektif, khususnya pendidikan terbuka sebagai alat untuk membangun sumberdaya insani Indonesia, untuk menghadirkan keadilan sosial, untuk memberikan pelayanan publik, untuk mendemokratisasikan pendidikan, dan untuk menciptakan keadilan ekonomi; yang pada…
This book is about being disabled and being poor and the social, cultural and political processes that link these two aspects of living in what has been characterised as a “vicious circle” (Yeo & Moore 2003). It is also about the strengths that people show when living with disability and being poor. How they try to overcome their problems and making the best out of what little they have. Th…
The purpose of this book is to shed light on the performance and personal competencies of information technology (IT) project managers in South Africa. Predictive models are built to determine what project managers consider the crucial competencies they should possess to deliver an IT project successfully. This investigation takes place in the context of poor IT project success rates globally a…
"Interest in world history has never been greater—both among historians and the reading public. Globalization has coaxed historians out of their fixation on all things national, which has characterized historical research since the nineteenth century. But with this new global field of research has come new methodological problems. It is high time that these problems were tackled, if only to d…
On weekday afternoons, dismissal bells signal not just the end of the school day but also the beginning of another important activity: the federally funded after-school programs that offer tutoring, homework help, and basic supervision to millions of American children. Nearly one in four low-income families enroll a child in an after-school program. Beyond sharpening students’ math and readin…
This book offers a realistic, practical and accessible model to allow teachers to incorporate the best of recent brain-based research into their teaching. The five steps involve: making learning multi-sensory ensuring activities match the dominant intelligence of the learner matching types of learning to the gender of pupils using the lesson structure to fit the natural attention span of the br…
Three-dimensional (3D) immersive virtual worlds have been touted as being capable of facilitating highly interactive, engaging, multimodal learning experiences. Much of the evidence gathered to support these claims has been anecdotal but the potential that these environments hold to solve traditional problems in online and technology-mediated education—primarily learner isolation and student …