The subsequent volume revolves around the Social-Fields-Approach (SOFIA) as an approach to conceptualization and operationalisation for the purpose of empirical research. It contributes a new perspective and approach in research on innovation. We believe that SOFIA can have implications for both academic research and practical applications in reshaping the existing instruments and governance ar…
Orasi ini menggunakan perspektif sosiologi feminisme untuk menunjukkan lemahnya representasi perempuan dan upaya resistansinya. Representasi adalah penggambaran eksistensi perempuan dalam relasi sosial yang bisa diamati melalui teks. Problematika representasi terlihat pada gender/feminisme (g/f selanjutnya) tidak hadir dalam keilmuan; kontribusi gerakan perempuan dan jejaring velvet strategy te…
Literasi keagamaan merupakan unsur sangat penting dalam kehidupan sosial-keagamaan masyarakat khususnya, dan kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara umumnya. Studi-studi sosologi agama dan pembangunan tentang hubungan literasi keagamaan dengan efektivitas pembangunan di berbagai negara multireligi dan multikultural memperlihatkan bahwa literasi keagamaan merupakan faktor pendorong (…
A Table for One explores the links between female singlehood and social time, juxtaposing two theoretical fields that are rarely linked: the social study of time and the study of singlehood. By adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this book paves the way for a new theorisation of singlehood which will put it at the fore of deconstructive critical thinking and on the feminist agenda. Although…
Our planet is undergoing radical environmental and social changes. Sustainability has now been put into question by, for example, our consumption patterns, loss of biodiversity, depletion of resources, and exploitative power relations. With apparent ecological and social limits to globalization and development, current levels of consumption are unsustainable, inequitable, and inaccessible to th…
At the heart of Stripping, Sex, and Popular Culture lies a very personal story, of author Catherine Roach's response to the decision of her life-long best friend to become an exotic dancer. Catherine and Marie grew up together in Canada and moved to the USA to enroll in PhD programs at prestigious universities. For various reasons, Marie left her program and instead chose to work as a stripper.…