Menjadi seorang kritikus seni tidaklah mudah. Menurut Sal Murgiyanto, salah seorang maestro tari Indonesia, seorang kritikus harus memiliki kemampuan untuk membaca atau memahami sebuah seni pertunjukan, serta menganalisis hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pertunjukan tersebut. Ia harus memiliki wawasan/pengetahuan yang luas dan mendalam tentang sejarah, agama, budaya, sosial, dan politik yang dapat…
Kartun humor dan media cetak merupakan dua hal yang tidak terpisahkan. Tidak sedikit pembaca saat memegang koran memiliki ketertarikan pada halaman penuh humor: rublik kartun. Sebuah halaman yang membuat orang dapat tersenyum, tertawa lepas, bahkan merenung. Kekuatan kartun humor terletak tidak hanya pada gambar visualnya semata. Ada aspek intrinsik di dalamnya yang dapat ditelisik lebih jauh. …
Buku ini merupakan kumpulan karikatur atau kartun yang penulis hasilkan dari kegelisahannya terhadap fenomena yang terjadi pada tahun 2018 (pilkada serentak). Melalui karyanya penulis ingin membagikan kegelisahannya terhadap keadaan sosial saat itu. Namun tidak hanya kritik tentang politik tapi juga kartun humor dan kartun wajah
This collection of essays from world-renowned scholar Hans Walter Gabler contains writings from a decade and a half of retirement spent exploring textual criticism, genetic criticism, and literary criticism. In these sixteen stimulating contributions, he develops theories of textual criticism and editing that are inflected by our advance into the digital era; structurally analyses arts of compo…
"This book is a history of love and the challenge love offers to the laws and customs of its times and places, as told through poetry from the Song of Songs to John Milton’s Paradise Lost. It is also an account of the critical reception afforded to such literature, and the ways in which criticism has attempted to stifle this challenge. Bryson and Movsesian argue that the poetry they explore c…
Never before has a collection of original essays strived to create such constructive, shared discourse between ecocritical and narrative scholars as well as environmental humanities scholars interested in narrative. Erin James and Eric Morel’s volume Environment and Narrative: New Directions in Econarratology explores the complexity of pairing material environments and their representations w…
Dostoevsky attached introductions to his most challenging narratives, including Notes from the House of the Dead, Notes from Underground, The Devils, The Brothers Karamazov, and “A Gentle Creature.” Despite his clever attempts to call his readers’ attention to these introductions, they have been neglected as an object of study for over 150 years. That oversight is rectified in First Words…
Along with the theoretical or traditionally historical question “What is literature?”, the critical and political question “What can literature do?” begs an answer. What value do contemporary society and culture ascribe to literature? What utility? What role? “My confidence in the future of literature”, wrote Italo Calvino, consists in the knowledge that there are things that only l…
This book highlights that the capacity for gathering, analysing, and utilising vast amounts of digital (user) data raises significant ethical issues. Annika Richterich provides a systematic contemporary overview of the field of critical data studies that reflects on practices of digital data collection and analysis. The book assesses in detail one big data research area: biomedical studies, foc…