Kartun humor dan media cetak merupakan dua hal yang tidak terpisahkan. Tidak sedikit pembaca saat memegang koran memiliki ketertarikan pada halaman penuh humor: rublik kartun. Sebuah halaman yang membuat orang dapat tersenyum, tertawa lepas, bahkan merenung. Kekuatan kartun humor terletak tidak hanya pada gambar visualnya semata. Ada aspek intrinsik di dalamnya yang dapat ditelisik lebih jauh. …
This collection includes eighteen essays that introduce the concept of unpopular culture and explore its critical possibilities and ramifications from a large variety of perspectives. Proposing a third term that operates beyond the dichotomy of high culture and mass culture and yet offers a fresh approach to both, these essays address a multitude of different topics that can all be classified a…
Some of the most pressing contemporary issues (ecological crisis, migration and integration, fragmented worldviews, social media, fake news, extremist politics and terrorism) can be understood more profoundly through how they interact with both individual and collective forces of nostalgia. Nostalgia is politics, but these politics are also interwoven with media and culture. Notwithstanding how…