Menyambut era digital, para ahli mencoba untuk mengurai kondisi yang sedang dihadapi Indonesia sekaligus menggali potensi-potensi sebagai pemicu inovasi. Perubahan sosial dari berbagai aspek pada era baru ini, mendorong proses kematangan diri bagi Indonesia. Proses tersebut menghadirkan ketegangan-ketegangan yang perlu segera diurai dan dihadapi. Para penulis menyajikan studi kasus dari beberap…
Kemiskinan masih menjadi salah satu permasalahan utama yang dialami Indonesia. Tak hanya di daerah perdesaan, permasalahan kemiskinan justru kerap ditemukan di area perkotaan yang identik dengan kemajuan teknologi, industri, dan ekonomi. Ruang sosial menjadi pembeda antara kemiskinan di pedesaan dan perkotaan. Namun, keduanya memiliki kesamaan. Sama-sama memiliki kesulitan dalam mengakses sumbe…
Menilik kelemahan dan kelebihan etnografi realis, studi kasus, dan etnografi kritis, diperlukan hadirnya etnografi yang bertumpu pada objektivitas subjek dan kritisisme dalam memperjuangkan subjek di tengah kebijakan. Pendekatan baru etnografi ini dapat dilabeli dengan terminologi “Post-Kritis”. Etnografi ini berpijak pada teori relativitas-subjektif Lyotard yang sarat dengan aspek kognisi5…
Building Better Schools with Evidence-based Policy: Adaptable Policy for Teachers and School Leaders provides an extensive set of free-to-use policies for building better schools. The policies included in this book cover a broad range of popular topics for schools that are not readily accessible, and each policy is built on theory, driven by research, and created by experts. Each policy is base…
For more than 30 years, governments, as well as certain prominent individuals and organizations, have actively promoted computers as learning technologies. Enormous amounts of money and time have been spent promoting specific kinds of educational computing, and the policies by which these might be implemented. The view that computers can enhance student learning has gained broad acceptance. Whe…
This Open Access book is an anthropological urban study of the Emirate of Dubai, its institutions, and their evolution. It provides a contemporary history of disability in city planning from a non-Western perspective and explores the cultural context for its positioning. Three insights inform the author’s approach. First, disability research, much like other urban or social issues, must be si…
Exploring the interplay between globalization, education and international development, this book surveys the impact of global education policies on local policy in developing countries. With chapters written by leading international scholars, drawing on a full range of theoretical perspectives and offering a diverse selection of case studies from Africa, Asia and South America, this book consi…