This book calls for an investigation of the ›borderlands of narrativity‹ — the complex and culturally productive area where the symbolic form of narrative meets other symbolic logics, such as data(base), play, spectacle, or ritual. It opens up a conversation about the ›beyond‹ of narrative, about the myriad constellations in which narrativity interlaces with, rubs against, or morphs i…
Bring on the Books for Everybody is an engaging assessment of the robust popular literary culture that has developed in the United States during the past two decades. Jim Collins describes how a once solitary and print-based experience has become an exuberantly social activity, enjoyed as much on the screen as on the page. Fueled by Oprah’s Book Club, Miramax film adaptations, superstore book…
This open access collection of essays examines the literary advice industry since its emergence in Anglo-American literary culture in the mid-nineteenth century within the context of the professionalization of the literary field and the continued debate on creative writing as art and craft. Often dismissed as commercial and stereotypical by authors and specialists alike, literary advice has non…
The Vienna Genesis (Austrian National Library, Codex Theologicus graecus 31) is a fragmentary Greek manuscript of the Book of Genesis written on purple dyed parchment with silver ink. It is assumed that the book was created in the first half of the 6th century in the Near East. 24 folios with 48 miniatures have survived and have been stored at the Austrian National Library since 1664. The Vienn…
Nuancing Young Masculinities tells a complex story about the plurality of young masculinities. It draws on the narratives of Finnish young people (mostly boys) of different social classes and ethnicities who attend schools in Helsinki, Finland. Their accounts of relations with peers, parents, and teachers give insights into boys’ experiences and everyday practices at school, home, and in leis…
This number of Yeats Annual collects the essays resulting from the University College Cork/ESB International Annual W. B. Yeats Lectures Series (2003-2008) by Roy Foster, Warwick Gould, John Kelly, Paul Muldoon, Bernard O’Donoghue and Helen Vendler. Those that were available in pamphlet form are now collectors’ items, but here is the complete series. These revised essays cover such themes a…
“Machine Readable Cataloging” (MARC) merupakan salah satu hasil dan juga sekaligus salah satu syarat dalam otomasi perpustakaan. Dikembangkan pertama kali oleh Library of Congress, format LC MARC ternyata sangat besar manfaatnya bagi penyebaran data katalogisasi bahan pustaka ke berbagai perpustakaan di Amerika Serikat. Keberhasilan ini membuat negara lain turut mengembangkan forrmat MARC s…
Petunjuk teknis ini dibuat berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Kepala Perpustakaan Nasional No. 20 Tahun 2005 Tentang Kata Utama dan Ejaan Untuk Nama Pengarang Indonesia yang memuat ketentuan pokok penentuan kata utama dan ejaan untuk tajuk nama pengarang Indonesia. Melalui petunjuk teknis ini ketentuan pokok tersebut diberikan uraian penjelasan dan dilengkapi dengan contoh-contok sehingga ketentuan te…
Tujuan utama program preservasi adalah untuk melesrtarikan bahan perpustakaan baik pelestarian bentuk fisik dengan mempertahankan bentuk aslinya dan pelestarian kandungan informasinya. Penjilidan bahan perpustakaan merupakan salah satu solusi dalam menangani bahan perpustakaan yang mengalami kerusakan. Koleksi buku lama yang terbit puluhan tahun yang lalu, memiliki kondisi yang rentan akan keru…
Penyusunan pedoman ini bertujuan sebagai upaya memudahkan pustakawan dan pengelola perpustakaan dalam mengolah bahan perpustakaan sumber elektronik (e-resources). Pustakawan dan pengelola perpustakaan diharapkan dapat memahami bagaimana pengolahan bahan perpustakaan sumber elektronik (e-resources) dan dapat menerapkannya, sehingga mampu melakukan kegiatan pengolahan sumber elektronik (e-resourc…