Bioassays are among the ecotoxicologist's most effective weapons in the evaluation of water quality and the assessment of ecological impacts of effluents, chemicals, discharges, and emissions on the aquatic environment. Information on these assessment aids is needed throughout the international scientific and environmental management community. This comprehensive reference provides an excellent…
Buku ini termasuk bagian dari upaya mendiseminasikan perihal pengertian radiasi, bagaimana radiasi berinteraksi dengan materi dan hasil-hasil riset lain dalam bidang khusus yang disebut biologi radiasi. Menilik dari cakupan buku ini, maka bagi pembaca yang ingin mengetahui tentang elemen dasar radiasi, buku ini memberikan informasi yang sangat baik tentang apa itu radiasi, dosis radiasi, bagaim…
Obat-obatan merupakan salah satu aspek penting bagi masyarakat dalam pembangunan kesehatan. Namun, tidak semua masyarakat mumpuni untuk mencukupi kebutuhan tersebut karena tidak jarang harga yang dipasarkan tidak terjangkau. Masalah tersebut akan dapat dipecahkan apabila obat yang dibutuhkan tersedia dengan harga yang terjangkau oleh mereka yang membutuhkannya. Bioteknologi, Biosimilar, dan Rev…
Modul Pelatihan Membuat Pakan Ikan dan Udang ini menyajikan bahan pelatihan pembuatan pakan ikan dan udang. Beberapa aspek yang dibahas modul ini melingkupi pengenalan praktis kandungan bahan baku, cara meramu pakan buatan, dan teknik pembuatan pakan. Modul ini juga dilengkapi oleh lembar latihan sebagai bahan evaluasi mandiri untuk setiap topik bahasan.
This book provides the description of collections of the living plants at “Eka Karya” Bali Botanic Garden, which has been updated every four or five years. This is the second edition of the previous publication, An Alphabetical List of Plant Species Cultivated in Bali Botanic Garden. In order to obtain a well-organized data collection, each plant collection was thoroughly observed and th…
Ants are tiny creatures that are often overlooked in our everyday lives. Yet, there are more than 15.000 species of ants on Earth, and their total biomass is higher than that of all humans combined. They invented agriculture more than 50 million years ago, turn more soil than earthworms, can lift 5,000 times their body weight, and can form supercolonies that span across continents. With the thi…
When organisms are deliberately or accidentally introduced into a new ecosystem a biological invasion may take place. These so-called ‘invasive species’ may establish, spread and ecologically alter the invaded community. Biological invasions by animals, plants, pathogens or vectors are one of the greatest environmental and economic threats and, along with habitat destruction, a leading caus…
Our planet is undergoing radical environmental and social changes. Sustainability has now been put into question by, for example, our consumption patterns, loss of biodiversity, depletion of resources, and exploitative power relations. With apparent ecological and social limits to globalization and development, current levels of consumption are unsustainable, inequitable, and inaccessible to th…
This open access volume presents a comprehensive account of all aspects of biological invasions in South Africa, where research has been conducted over more than three decades, and where bold initiatives have been implemented in attempts to control invasions and to reduce their ecological, economic and social effects. It covers a broad range of themes, including history, policy development and …
This Open Access textbook provides students and researchers in the life sciences with essential practical information on how to quantitatively analyze data images. It refrains from focusing on theory, and instead uses practical examples and step-by step protocols to familiarize readers with the most commonly used image processing and analysis platforms such as ImageJ, MatLab and Python. Besides…