Buku ini mengupas sepenggal kisah bagian awal perjalanan teknologi nuklir. Pembahasannya dimulai dari perjalanan sejarah upaya manusia memburu atom. Pembaca akan dibawa untuk mengenali atom beserta fenomena-fenomena fisika yang dapat terjadi di dalamnya. Selanjutnya pembaca akan diperkenalkan dengan sejarah awal kelahiran teknologi nuklir hingga situasi politik dunia yang mendorong lahirnya sen…
This unique and attractive open access textbook combines the beauty of macroscopic pictures of plant stems with the corresponding colorfully stained images of anatomical micro-structures. In contrast to most botanical textbooks, it presents all the stem characteristics as photographs and shows the microscopic reality. The amount of text is reduced to a minimum, and the scientific information i…
This open access book examines key aspects of international cooperation to enhance nuclear safety, security, safeguards, and nonproliferation, thereby assisting in development and maintenance of the verification regime and fostering progress toward a nuclear weapon-free world. Current challenges are discussed and attempts made to identify possible solutions and future improvements, considering …