This atlas provides a macro-regional overview of the areas that surround the European Union, from the Sahara to the Middle East, Western Balkans to European Russia, Turkey to the Arctic. Detailing key socio-economic data as well as developmental trends, the maps provide a comprehensive territorial analysis at a local scale and explore the potential for regional integration and cooperation. Thes…
This Open Access book offers an original interdisciplinary overview of the role of haptic feedback in musical interaction. Divided into two parts, part I examines the tactile aspects of music performance and perception, discussing how they affect user experience and performance in terms of usability, functionality and perceived quality of musical instruments. Part II presents engineering, compu…
This book provides a comprehensive overview of volcanic crisis research, the goal being to establish ways of successfully applying volcanology in practice and to identify areas that need to be addressed for future progress. It shows how volcano crises are managed in practice, and helps to establish best practices. Consequently the book brings together authors from all over the globe who work w…
The history of criminal justice in modern Germany has become a vibrant field of research, as demonstrated in this volume. Following an introductory survey, the twelve chapters examine major topics in the history of crime and criminal justice from Imperial Germany, through the Weimar and Nazi eras, to the early postwar years. These topics include case studies of criminal trials, the development …
Corporate executives immersed in the turbulent markets of today face a world not of clear cut moral dilemmas such as right or wrong, or good or evil, but instead must confront large corporate grey areas of lesser good, lesser evil, less true, less unfair, and less unjust. Often these choices become almost indistinguishable. Corporate Ethics for Turbulent Markets: Executive Response to Market Ch…
European Law; Human Rights; International and Comparative Education; Private International Law, International & Foreign Law, Comparative Law; Law and Psychology
Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi sejak pertengahan Maret 2020 berdampak cukup besar terhadap pengelolaan perpustakaan. Di awal pandemi, hampir semua layanan tatap muka perpustakaan harus ditutup. Lalu, bagaimana perpustakaan berinovasi agar tetap memberikan layanan yang terbaik pada masa-masa tersebut? . Buku ini berisi cerita para pustakawan dan pengelola perpustakaan di 17 perpustakaan kemente…
Museum of Nonhumanity is the catalogue for a full-size touring museum that presents the history of the distinction between humans and animals, and the way that this artificial boundary has been used to oppress human and nonhuman beings over long historical periods. Throughout history, declaring a group to be nonhuman or subhuman has been an effective tool for justifying slavery, oppression, med…
Das Relationship Marketing erfreut sich sowohl in der Marketing-Praxis als auch in der Marketing-Wissenschaft einer bereits hohen und weiter steigenden Popularität. Innerhalb des Marketing-Management ist dabei immer häufiger von der Ablösung des klassischen Transaktionsmarketing die Rede. Die damit einhergehende These vom Paradigmenwechsel im Marketing-Management weg vom Transaktionsmarketin…
We explore how Virtual Research Environments based on Semantic Web technologies support research interactions with RDF data in various stages of corpus-based analysis, analyze the Web of Data in terms of human readability, derive labels from variables in SPARQL queries, apply Natural Language Generation to improve user interfaces to the Web of Data by verbalizing SPARQL queries and RDF graphs, …