As a reaction to typically dead-end debates on future human and robot collaboration that tend to be either dismissive or overly welcoming towards »cobot« technologies, this book provides a technofeminist intervention. Pat Treusch not only shows how both the fields of technofeminism and robotics can engage in a practical exchange through knitting, but also contributes a tangible example of cob…
This open access book reflects on academic life under a neoliberal regime. Through collaborative autoethnographies, the authors share stories about the everyday experiences, dilemmas and conflicts of three academics: the struggle for promotion, teaching’s challenges, the race to publish, confronting bureaucracy and institutional politics, as well as the resulting emotional stress. These stori…
Maraknya ketidakadilan yang dialami kaum perempuan berdasarkan kacamata keilmuan gender dan feminisme, khususnya mereka yang berkecimpung dalam bidang iptek, bukanlah sesuatu yang baru. Menjadi menarik manakala di hadapan kita tersaji wacana empiris mengenai pola dan struktur sosial masyarakat yang berkontribusi mengonstruksi suatu pandangan sehingga mengondisikan terciptanya tatanan masyarakat…
Buku antologi berjudul Milenial Literasi Damai : Tentang Literasi, Milenial, dan Indonesia merupakan bentuk kepedulian generasi muda terhadap peningkatan budaya literasi bangsa. Dengan tema-tema yang disuguhkan rasanya kita diajak berselancar dengan pemikiran dan gagasan milineal tentang literasi agama, literasi gender, literasi politik, literasi lingkungan, dan literasi digital.
Scraps of Hope in Banda Aceh examines the rebuilding of the city of Banda Aceh in Indonesia in the aftermath of the celebrated Helsinki-based peace mediation process, thirty years of armed conflict, and the tsunami. Offering a critical contribution to the study of post-conflict politics, the book includes 14 documentary videos reflecting individuals’ experiences on rebuilding the city and fol…
Women’s Activism and "Second Wave" Feminism situates late 20th century feminisms within a global framework of women’s activism. Its chapters, written by leading international scholars, demonstrate how issues of heterogeneity, transnationalism, and intersectionality have transformed understandings of historical feminism. It is no longer possible to imagine that feminism has ever fostered an …
This book offers an innovative rethinking of policy approaches to ‘gender equality’ and of the process of social change. It brings several new chapters together with a series of previously published articles to reflect on these topics. A particular focus is gender mainstreaming, a relatively recent development in equality policy in many industrialised and some industrialising countries, as …
This study will focus on the Indonesian jilbab, an ubiquitous piece of cloth that covers the hair and neck of women tightly, leaving no skin unconcealed. Achievement and role of jilbab after the authoritarian regime of Soeharto in 1998 is hardly known. The author examines women perception but also the Sharia Ordinances and the narratives of censorship. Voices of both women and sexual minorities…
Gender inequality remains an issue of high relevance, and controversy, in society. Previous research shows that language contributes to gender inequality in various ways: Gender-related information is transmitted through formal and semantic features of language, such as the grammatical category of gender, through gender-related connotations of role names (e.g., manager, secretary), and through …