For decades, NGOs targeting world hunger focused on ensuring that adequate quantities of food were being sent to those in need. In the 1990s, the international food policy community turned its focus to the “hidden hunger” of micronutrient deficiencies, a problem that resulted in two scientific solutions: fortification, the addition of nutrients to processed foods, and biofortification, the …
Apakah kamu tahu kalau cengkih tertua di dunia ada di lereng gunung Gamalama, Ternate? Atau kamu pernah mendengar mengenai senyawa Euganol yang ada di dalam cengkih bisa menghilangkan rasa sakit? Atau pernahkah kamu mendengar kisah tentang perahu Sawerigading yang dipakai pelaut untuk mengarungi samudra dalam perjalanan mencari rempah? Jika kamu belum pernah mendengar tentang hal-hal itu, janga…
Air sebagai salah satu penyokong kehidupan manusia lambat laun semakin menurun kualitasnya. Penurunan kualitas disebabkan oleh tercemarnya mata air yang sebagian besar terjadi karena ulah dari manusia. Salah satu upaya untuk mencegah terjadinya pencemaran mata air adalah dengan kegiatan Perlindungan Mata Air (PERMATA). Komik ini bercerita tentang dua orang mahasiswa yang melakukan studi lapanga…
Over time Dutch and Indonesian musicians have inspired each other and they continue to do so. Recollecting Resonances offers a way of studying these musical encounters and a mutual heritage one today still can listen to.
Set in West Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo, this study explores the shifting relationships between border communities and the state along the political border with East Malaysia. The book rests on the premises that remote border regions offer an exciting study arena that can tell us important things about how marginal citizens relate to their nation-state. The basic assumption is that central st…
This pioneering study charts the one-way traffic of cultural and historical objects during five centuries of European colonialism. It presents abundant examples of disappeared colonial objects and systematises these into war booty, confiscations by missionaries and contestable acquisitions by private persons and other categories. Former colonies consider this as a historical injustice that has …
Since 1965, when I frst began to record and attempt to understand the ritual poetry of the Rotenese, the study of semantic parallelism has been a major focus of my research. My chief concern has been with the semantics of canonical parallelism. In my view, the study of parallelism and particularly the study of canonical parallelism is no minor subject but is, in fact, a matter of central theore…
Buku ini mengungkapkan kekayaan dan heterogenitas sastra di Bali, dengan membahas secara sosial-historis tiga jenis sastra: sastra Indonesia, sastra Bali tradisional, dan sastra Bali modern. Selain sejarah perkembangan masing-masing genre, buku ini juga membahas saling-pengaruh antara ketiga genre sastra tersebut dalam keniscayaan intertekstualitas. Topik-topik yang dikaji lewat 15 bab, antara …
Orlin Ara Atanau, si murid baru dari Sumba mengajak teman-temannya mencari Cendana dan Gaharu yang sudah langka. Mereka menjelajah tanah di bawah angin, mengikuti jalur rempah yang pada berabad-abad lalu dilakukan oleh para pelaut. Akankah mereka menemukan rajanya parfum ini?