This open access book explores how educational researchers working at the edges of innovations in languages and literacies, leadership, assessment, social and cultural transformation, and pedagogies rethink the educational turn in new sites. It engages with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) for educational researchers to redefine ways of knowing about learning post-COVID and deepe…
This book analyses the specificity of the law-making activity of European constitutional courts. The main hypothesis is that currently constitutional courts are positive legislators whose position in the system of State organs needs to be redefined. The book covers the analysis of the law-making activity of four constitutional courts in Western countries: Germany, Italy, Spain, and France; an…
This book brings together the cumulative results of a three-year project focused on the assemblies and administrative systems of Scandinavia, Britain, and the North Atlantic islands in the 1st and 2nd millennia AD. In this volume we integrate a wide range of historical, cartographic, archaeological, field-based, and onomastic data pertaining to early medieval and medieval administrative practic…
his open access book offers an essential overview of brain, head and neck, and spine imaging. Over the last few years, there have been considerable advances in this area, driven by both clinical and technological developments. Written by leading international experts and teachers, the chapters are disease-oriented and cover all relevant imaging modalities, with a focus on magnetic resonance ima…
The Enlightenment remains widely associated with the rise of scientific progress and the loss of religious faith, a dual tendency that is thought to have contributed to the disenchantment of the world. In her wide-ranging and richly illustrated book, Tili Boon Cuillé questions the accuracy of this narrative by investigating the fate of the marvelous in the age of reason. Exploring the affiniti…
Robots and artificial intelligence (AI) are powerful forces that will likely have large impacts on the size, direction, and composition of international trade flows. This book discusses how industrial robots, automation, and AI affect international growth, trade, productivity, employment, wages, and welfare. The book explains new approaches on how robots and artificial intelligence affect the w…
Peranan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM) Non-Bank dalam Pembiayaan Usaha Mikro bertujuan memberikan informasi kepada para praktisi, akademisi, dan pengambil kebijakan. Buku ini memaparkan karakteristik lembaga keuangan mikro, yaitu koperasi dan BMT. Selain itu, buku ini juga mengulas LKM non-bank dari sisi kemandirian keuangan serta menganalisis perannya sebagai lembaga pembiayaan dalam mendorong k…
Hingga kini ada banyak fungsi otak yang belum tergali dan dipahami oleh masyarakat selain sebagai alat untuk berpikir dan pengendali seluruh kinerja sistem-sistem organ lainnya. Neuroscience atau ilmu yang mempelajari otak melalui pendekatan nonmedis bahkan meyakini adanya Kecerdasan Biofilia (mencintai kehidupan) yang dapat membawa kesenangan dan kegembiraan dalam hidup Anda. Puncak dari semua…
Reaktor nuklir merupakan fasilitas atau instalasi yang menghasilkan energi panas dan radiasi yang bekerja berdasarkan reaksi fisi atau reaksi pembelahan dari inti bahan bakar nuklir. Reaktor nuklir dapat dimanfaatkan energi panasnya, baik untuk listrik maupun untuk industri, disebut dengan reaktor daya yang biasanya digunakan dalam suatu instalasi pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir (PLTN). Reakto…
This open access book is the first publication to provide a comparative framework for the study of martial culture and historical martial arts in Europe and Asia, in particular in Italy and China. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of martial studies, contributors to this volume include historians, archeologists, art historians, scholars of fencing literature, metallurgists, as well as contemp…