Moderasi beragama adalah cara pandang dalam beragama secara moderat yakni memahami dan mengamalkan ajaran agama dengan tidak ekstrem, baik ekstrem kanan (pemahaman agama yang sangat kaku) maupun ekstrem kiri (pemahaman agama yang sangat liberal). Istilah moderasi beragama memang baru digaungkan di Indonesia, namun ide dan semangat moderasi beragama itu sudah tumbuh dan tertanam sejak lama dalam…
Fenomena intoleransi atau ketiadaan tenggang rasa (KKBI) dalam beragama belakangan ini semakin menguat. Beberapa lembaga pendidikan diindikasikan menjadi tempat persemaian paham intoleran. Perilaku intoleransi pada peserta didik mengambil berbagai bentuk seperti mahasiswa setuju dengan negara berdasar agama tertentu, mahasiswa terpapar paham radikal. Aktivis ROHIS di berbagai lembaga pendidikan…
"EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Human service work is performed in many places – hospitals, shelters, households – and is characterised by a complex mixture of organising principles, relations and rules. Using ethnographic methods, researchers can investigate these site-specific complexities, providing multi-dimensional and compelling analyses. Bringing toget…
Pandemi Covid-19 membuat aktivitas lumpuh di berbagai sektor karena terdapat pembatasan kegiatan. Salah satu sektor yang terdampak adalah industri kreatif. Para pekerja kreatif seperti desainer, fotografer, dan arsitek tentu juga memiliki tantangan. Terlebih lagi, persaingan kini tidak hanya muncul dari orang yang menekuni bidang yang sama, tetapi juga dari orang yang sedang mencari peruntungan…
This book integrates insights from dialogic theory and systemic functional linguistics (SFL) to extend our understandings of engagement in medical research articles, going beyond notions of the role of verbal dialogue to encompass mathematical and visual semiotics and consider text not just as language but as multisemiosis. The volume begins by outlining the engagement framework and offering a …
Capital at the Brink reveals the pervasiveness, destructiveness, and dominance of neoliberalism within American society and culture. The contributors to this collection also offer points of resistance to an ideology wherein, to borrow Henry Giroux’s comment, “everything either is for sale or is plundered for profit.” The first step in fighting neoliberalism is to make it visible. By discu…
"Decolonising the Human examines the ongoing project of constituting ‘the human’ in light of the durability of coloniality and the persistence of multiple oppressions. The ‘human’ emerges as a deeply political category, historically constructed as a scarce existential resource. Once weaponised, it allows for the social, political and economic elevation of those who are centred within it…
This Open Access auto-translation book demonstrates a time series of nutrition improvement in Japan since the introduction of nutrition sciences to Japan about 150 years ago. The chapters present the historical event where nutritional deficiency due to food shortage was improved in almost a century, by the introduction of nutrition policy and practices such as the "Nutrition Improvement Law". T…
Incomparable Poetry: An Essay on the Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 and Irish Literature is an attempt to describe the ways in which the financial crisis of 2007-8 impacted literature in Ireland, and thereby describe the ways in which poetry engages with, is structured by, and wrestles with economic issues.Ireland and its contemporary poetry is a particularly suitable case study for studying the…
Writing and publishing scientific papers is the core business of researchers, but is often experienced as difficult and frustrating. This book provides clear and concise key information on 12 major aspects of the process, from how to get started to dealing with reviewers’ comments. We describe each aspect structured into background information (‘‘What you should know’’), concrete advi…