This open access edited volume provides theoretical, practical, and historical perspectives on art and education in a post-digital, post-internet era. Recently, these terms have been attached to artworks, artists, exhibitions, and educational practices that deal with the relationships between online and offline, digital and physical, and material and immaterial. By taking the current socio-tech…
This open access book will examine the implications of digitalization for the understanding of humanity, conceived as a community of intelligent agency. It addresses important topics across a range of social and behavioral theories and identifies a range of novel mechanisms and their social behavioral effects. Across the book, the author highlights the expansion of intelligent processing capabi…
This open access book originates from an international workshop organized by Turkish Natural Catastrophe Insurance Pool (TCIP) in November 2019 that gathered renown researchers from academia, representatives of leading international reinsurance and modeling companies as well as government agencies responsible of insurance pricing in Turkey. The book includes chapters related to post-earthquake …
Kartun humor dan media cetak merupakan dua hal yang tidak terpisahkan. Tidak sedikit pembaca saat memegang koran memiliki ketertarikan pada halaman penuh humor: rublik kartun. Sebuah halaman yang membuat orang dapat tersenyum, tertawa lepas, bahkan merenung. Kekuatan kartun humor terletak tidak hanya pada gambar visualnya semata. Ada aspek intrinsik di dalamnya yang dapat ditelisik lebih jauh. …
Can humans and artificial intelligences share concepts and communicate? One aim of Making AI Intelligible is to show that philosophical work on the metaphysics of meaning can help answer these questions. Cappelen and Dever use the externalist tradition in philosophy of to create models of how AIs and humans can understand each other. In doing so, they also show ways in which that philosophical …
This open access book represents one of the key milestones of PoliVisu, an H2020 research and innovation project funded by the European Commission under the call “Policy-development in the age of big data: data-driven policy-making, policy-modelling and policy-implementation”. It investigates the operative and organizational implications related to the use of the growing amount of availa…
This Special Issue of Arts investigates the use of digital methods in the study of art markets and their histories. As historical and contemporary data is rapidly becoming more available, and digital technologies are becoming integral to research in the humanities and social sciences, we sought to bring together contributions that reflect on the different strategies that art market scholars emp…
In the artistic / vocational academic education field, a phrase like “scientific research” generates several controversies; however, they can be the roots of interdisciplinary approaches, through which to build bridges between concern and research. The conference “Art and Research - contemporary challenges” aims, also through the published volume, to disseminate the results of research …
Visual art has been tied to hip-hop culture since its emergence in the 1970s. Commentary on these initial connections often emphasizes the importance of graffiti and fashion during hip-hop’s earliest days. Forty years later, hip-hop music has grown into a billion-dollar global industry, and its influence on visual art and society has also expanded. This book-length printed edition of Arts col…
Buku ini merupakan kumpulan karikatur atau kartun yang penulis hasilkan dari kegelisahannya terhadap fenomena yang terjadi pada tahun 2018 (pilkada serentak). Melalui karyanya penulis ingin membagikan kegelisahannya terhadap keadaan sosial saat itu. Namun tidak hanya kritik tentang politik tapi juga kartun humor dan kartun wajah