Conservation Biology in Sub-Saharan Africa comprehensively explores the challenges and potential solutions to key conservation issues in Sub-Saharan Africa. Easy to read, this lucid and accessible textbook includes fifteen chapters that cover a full range of conservation topics, including threats to biodiversity, environmental laws, and protected areas management, as well as related topics such…
This ambitious and vivid study in six volumes explores the journey of a single, electrifying story, from its first incarnation in a medieval French poem through its prolific rebirth in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Juggler of Notre Dame tells how an entertainer abandons the world to join a monastery, but is suspected of blasphemy after dancing his devotion before a statue of the M…
This enriched reference guide offers a unique overview of more than 200 picture books published by Canadian publishing houses between 2017–2019. The authors cover key themes in contemporary Canadian titles that match broad curriculum trends in education. Response activities are included in the text, for example frameworks for critical literacy discussions, along with annotated bibliographies …
The existence of World Literature depends on specific processes, institutions, and actors involved in the global circulation of literary works. The contributions of this volume aim to pay attention to these multiple material dimensions of Latin American 20th and 21st century literatures. From perspectives informed by materialism, sociology, book studies, and digital humanities, the articles of …
As marketing specialists know all too well, our experience of products is prefigured by brands: trademarks that identify a product and differentiate it from its competitors. This process of branding has hitherto gained little academic discussion in the field of literary studies. Literary authors and the texts they produce, though, are constantly 'branded': from the early modern period onwards, …
The Data Journalism Handbook: Towards a Critical Data Practice provides a rich and panoramic introduction to data journalism, combining both critical reflection and practical insight. It offers a diverse collection of perspectives on how data journalism is done around the world and the broader consequences of datafication in the news, serving as both a textbook and a sourcebook for this emergin…
“Machine Readable Cataloging” (MARC) merupakan salah satu hasil dan juga sekaligus salah satu syarat dalam otomasi perpustakaan. Dikembangkan pertama kali oleh Library of Congress, format LC MARC ternyata sangat besar manfaatnya bagi penyebaran data katalogisasi bahan pustaka ke berbagai perpustakaan di Amerika Serikat. Keberhasilan ini membuat negara lain turut mengembangkan forrmat MARC s…
Petunjuk teknis ini dibuat berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Kepala Perpustakaan Nasional No. 20 Tahun 2005 Tentang Kata Utama dan Ejaan Untuk Nama Pengarang Indonesia yang memuat ketentuan pokok penentuan kata utama dan ejaan untuk tajuk nama pengarang Indonesia. Melalui petunjuk teknis ini ketentuan pokok tersebut diberikan uraian penjelasan dan dilengkapi dengan contoh-contok sehingga ketentuan te…
Tujuan utama program preservasi adalah untuk melesrtarikan bahan perpustakaan baik pelestarian bentuk fisik dengan mempertahankan bentuk aslinya dan pelestarian kandungan informasinya. Penjilidan bahan perpustakaan merupakan salah satu solusi dalam menangani bahan perpustakaan yang mengalami kerusakan. Koleksi buku lama yang terbit puluhan tahun yang lalu, memiliki kondisi yang rentan akan keru…
Penyusunan pedoman ini bertujuan sebagai upaya memudahkan pustakawan dan pengelola perpustakaan dalam mengolah bahan perpustakaan sumber elektronik (e-resources). Pustakawan dan pengelola perpustakaan diharapkan dapat memahami bagaimana pengolahan bahan perpustakaan sumber elektronik (e-resources) dan dapat menerapkannya, sehingga mampu melakukan kegiatan pengolahan sumber elektronik (e-resourc…