Siapa saja para pemain yang memiliki kekuatan untuk membentuk internet dan apa saja yang dipertaruhkan di masa mendatang? Anda akan diajak menelusuri lansekap digital dan memahami peran berbagai pemangku kepentingan—pemerintah, operator jaringan, dan para raksasa teknologi di balik layanan internet yang kita nikmati. Di lapisan konten, para pengguna juga memiliki kekuatan untuk membentuk inte…
Melakukan advokasi kebijakan publik ataupun mendorong inisiasi gerakan sosial, sebagaimana kerap menjadi kegiatan prioritas sejumlah organisasi masyarakat sipil (CSO) dan komunitas di Indonesia, kini tak bisa lagi lepas dari kebermanfaatan platform media sosial yang ada di Internet. Namun di sisi lain, CSO dan komunitas dituntut untuk memiliki kapasitas dan kapabiltas yang memadai dalam menyusu…
Secara umum yang dimaksud dengan literasi digital adalah kemampuan menggunakan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK), untuk menemukan, mengevaluasi, memanfaatkan, membuat dan mengkomunikasikan konten/informasi, dengan kecakpan kognitif maupun teknikal. Ada banyak model kerangka (framework) untuk literasi digital yang dapat ditemukan di Internet, dengan ragam nama dan bentuk. Setiap model mem…
Libraries are places of learning and knowledge creation. Over the last two decades, digital technology—and the changes that came with it—have accelerated this transformation to a point where evolution starts to become a revolution.The wider Open Science movement, and Open Access in particular, is one of these changes and is already having a profound impact. Under the subscription model, the…
How are intergenerational relationships playing out in the digital rhythms of the household? Through extensive fieldwork in Tokyo, Shanghai and Melbourne, this book ethnographically explores how households are being understood, articulated and defined by digital media practices. It explores the rise of self-tracking, quantified self and informal practices of care at distance as part of contempo…
Three decades of societal and cultural alignment of new media have yielded a host of innovations, trials, and problems, accompanied by versatile popular and academic discourse. New Media Studies crystallized internationally into an established academic discipline, and this begs the question: where do we stand now? Which new questions are emerging now that new media are being taken for granted, …
What is Digital Journalism Studies? delves into the technologies, platforms, and audience relations that constitute digital journalism studies’ central objects of study, outlining its principal theories, the research methods being developed, its normative underpinnings, and possible futures for the academic field. The book argues that digital journalism studies is much more than the study of …
"The digital era has brought about huge transformations in the map itself, which to date have been largely conceptualised in spatial terms. Novel objects, forms, processes and approaches have emerged and pose new, pressing questions about the temporality of digital maps and contemporary mapping practices: in spite of its implicit spatiality, digital mapping is strongly grounded in time. This co…
In this important new study, Imar de Vries take a historical and comparative approach in researching our intimate relationship with present-day mobile wireless technologies. By analyzing the full range of human expectations and behavior in regard to mobile devices, de Vries looks at how wireless gadgets have changed our ideas about communication, while at the same time he demonstrates how moder…
The Second World War is omnipresent in contemporary memory debates. As the war fades from living memory, this study is the first to systematically analyze how Second World War museums allow prototypical visitors to comprehend and experience the past. It analyzes twelve permanent exhibitions in Europe and North America – including the Bundeswehr Military History Museum in Dresden, the Museum o…