Kartun humor dan media cetak merupakan dua hal yang tidak terpisahkan. Tidak sedikit pembaca saat memegang koran memiliki ketertarikan pada halaman penuh humor: rublik kartun. Sebuah halaman yang membuat orang dapat tersenyum, tertawa lepas, bahkan merenung. Kekuatan kartun humor terletak tidak hanya pada gambar visualnya semata. Ada aspek intrinsik di dalamnya yang dapat ditelisik lebih jauh. …
This open access book promotes the idea that all media types are multimodal and that comparing media types, through an intermedial lens, necessarily involves analysing these multimodal traits. The collection includes a series of interconnected articles that illustrate and clarify how the concepts developed in Elleström’s influential article The Modalities of Media: A Model for Understanding …
The Data Journalism Handbook: Towards a Critical Data Practice provides a rich and panoramic introduction to data journalism, combining both critical reflection and practical insight. It offers a diverse collection of perspectives on how data journalism is done around the world and the broader consequences of datafication in the news, serving as both a textbook and a sourcebook for this emergin…
Perkembangan komunikasi digital memiliki karakteristik komunikasi global yang melintasi batas-batas geografis dan batas-batas budaya. Sementara setiap batas geografis dan budaya juga memiliki batasan etika yang berbeda. Setiap negara, bahkan daerah memiliki etika sendiri, begitu pula setiap generasi memiliki etika sendiri. Misalnya saja soal privasi. Masyarakat kolektif seperti masyarakat Indon…
Berdasarkan data survei indeks literasi digital nasional 2020 di 34 provinsi di Indonesia, akses terhadap internet ditemukan kian cepat, terjangkau, dan tersebar hingga ke pelosok (Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, 2020). Dalam survei tersebut juga terungkap bahwa literasi digital masyarakat Indonesia masih berada pada level sedang (Katadata Insight Center & Kementerian Komunikasi dan Inf…
Dalam kehidupan manusia dalam berbagai kurun waktu dan masa, akan terjadi perkembangan yang berbeda. Perkembangan manusia akan membuat manusia menjadi semakin banyak belajar dan berinovasi dalam perkembangan dirinya. Banyak hal yang dapat terjadi dalam kehidupan manusia. Termasuk dalam era pandemi seperti saat ini, manusia menjadi lebih lebih kreatif dalam berkomunikasi. Salah satu upaya manusi…
As a reaction to the dominant effect and interpretive authority of the digital, Data Loam combines radical approaches based on positions taken in the international practice of contemporary art. Previously: insistence on indexicality and the instrumental reduction of knowledge. Instead: a new metric that requires play, curiosity, experiment, and risk. As an urgent response to the continually …
Video games have entered the cultural mainstream and in terms of economic profits they now rival established entertainment industries such as film or television. As careers in video game development become more common, so do the stories about precarious working conditions and structural inequalities within the industry. Yet, scholars have largely overlooked video game production cultures in fav…
Jon Mee explores the popular democratic movement that emerged in the London of the 1790s in response to the French Revolution. Central to the movement's achievement was the creation of an idea of 'the people' brought into being through print and publicity. Radical clubs rose and fell in the face of the hostile attentions of government. They were sustained by a faith in the press as a form of 'p…
Over the last five years, widespread concern about the effects of social media on democracy has led to an explosion in research from different disciplines and corners of academia. This book is the first of its kind to take stock of this emerging multi-disciplinary field by synthesizing what we know, identifying what we do not know and obstacles to future research, and charting a course for the …