Corporate memory' is the body of information that an organization needs to keep for re-use. It is the active and historical information that an organization has that is worth sharing, managing and preserving to enable it to function effectively. This book is aimed at records managers and archivists, who are responsible for maintaining and managing information within an organization. It describe…
Invisible Search and Online Search Engines considers the use of search engines in contemporary everyday life and the challenges this poses for media and information literacy. Looking for mediated information is mostly done online and arbitrated by the various tools and devices that people carry with them on a daily basis. Because of this, search engines have a significant impact on the structur…
The Internationalization of the Academic Library presents a theoretically informed, empirically grounded analysis of the process of academic library internationalization. Drawing on interviews with library personnel from around the world, Lombard analyzes internationalization at the departmental level of an academic library. Demonstrating that college and library personnel have positive intenti…
Digital archives are transforming the Humanities and the Sciences. Digitized collections of newspapers and books have pushed scholars to develop new, data-rich methods. Born-digital archives are now better preserved and managed thanks to the development of open-access and commercial software. Digital Humanities have moved from the fringe to the center of academia. Yet, the path from the apprais…
Invisible Search and Online Search Engines considers the use of search engines in contemporary everyday life and the challenges this poses for media and information literacy. Looking for mediated information is mostly done online and arbitrated by the various tools and devices that people carry with them on a daily basis. Because of this, search engines have a significant impact on the structur…
This Open Access book explores the concept of digital epistemology. In this context, the digital will not be understood as merely something that is linked to specific tools and objects, but rather as different modes of thought. For example, the digital within the humanities is not just databases and big data, topic modelling and speculative visualizations; nor are the objects limited to compute…
Libraries, archives and museums have traditionally been a part of the public sphere's infrastructure. They have been so by providing public access to culture and knowledge, by being agents for enlightenment and by being public meeting places in their communities. Digitization and globalization poses new challenges in relation to upholding a sustainable public sphere. Can libraries, archives and…
“Machine Readable Cataloging” (MARC) merupakan salah satu hasil dan juga sekaligus salah satu syarat dalam otomasi perpustakaan. Dikembangkan pertama kali oleh Library of Congress, format LC MARC ternyata sangat besar manfaatnya bagi penyebaran data katalogisasi bahan pustaka ke berbagai perpustakaan di Amerika Serikat. Keberhasilan ini membuat negara lain turut mengembangkan forrmat MARC s…
Petunjuk teknis ini dibuat berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Kepala Perpustakaan Nasional No. 20 Tahun 2005 Tentang Kata Utama dan Ejaan Untuk Nama Pengarang Indonesia yang memuat ketentuan pokok penentuan kata utama dan ejaan untuk tajuk nama pengarang Indonesia. Melalui petunjuk teknis ini ketentuan pokok tersebut diberikan uraian penjelasan dan dilengkapi dengan contoh-contok sehingga ketentuan te…
Tujuan utama program preservasi adalah untuk melesrtarikan bahan perpustakaan baik pelestarian bentuk fisik dengan mempertahankan bentuk aslinya dan pelestarian kandungan informasinya. Penjilidan bahan perpustakaan merupakan salah satu solusi dalam menangani bahan perpustakaan yang mengalami kerusakan. Koleksi buku lama yang terbit puluhan tahun yang lalu, memiliki kondisi yang rentan akan keru…