Provinsi Sumatra Utara sebagai daerah penghasil padi nasional keenam memiliki peran penting dalam mendukung swasembada pangan nasional. Program Desa Mandiri Benih yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Provinsi Sumatra Utara sejak tahun 2015 bagaimanapun juga masih memerlukan pemantauan dan evaluasi berkelanjutan secara berkala. Penulisan buku ini merupakan salah satu cara atas upaya tersebut. Selain seb…
Maraknya ketidakadilan yang dialami kaum perempuan berdasarkan kacamata keilmuan gender dan feminisme, khususnya mereka yang berkecimpung dalam bidang iptek, bukanlah sesuatu yang baru. Menjadi menarik manakala di hadapan kita tersaji wacana empiris mengenai pola dan struktur sosial masyarakat yang berkontribusi mengonstruksi suatu pandangan sehingga mengondisikan terciptanya tatanan masyarakat…
This open access book presents the outcomes of the symposium “NEW METROPOLITAN PERSPECTIVES,” held at Mediterranea University, Reggio Calabria, Italy on May 26–28, 2020. Addressing the challenge of Knowledge Dynamics and Innovation-driven Policies Towards Urban and Regional Transition, the book presents a multi-disciplinary debate on the new frontiers of strategic and spatial planni…
From the mid-1980s, meat consumption in Italy and the western world have stabilised and, in the face of a well-established food security, we have witnessed a changed sensitivity for ethical issues, such as animal welfare and environmental impacts of farms. Analysing the sustainability of meat and cured meats means studying in the most objective way possible different topics concerning both the …
This publication gives an overview of central aspects of adult and continuing education in Belarus. Galina Veramejchyk presents a range of data and information regarding adult and continuing education institutions, ¿nancing, provision, participation, staff and international relationships. She describes adult and continuing education in Belarus taking into consideration the political, geographi…
In recent years, the European Commission has attached increasing importance to the use of financial engineering instruments rather than traditional grant-based financing for the microcredit sector, considering these to be the most efficient option available. This book presents a study of capacity building and structural funds in public managing authorities for the microcredit sector. It present…
This handbook introduces key elements of the philological research area called paremiology (the study of proverbs). It presents the main subject area as well as the current status of paremiological research. The basic notions, among others, include defining proverbs, main proverb features, origin, collecting and categorization of proverbs. Each chapter is written by a leading scholar-specialist…
Kita menyadari bahwa negara kita merupakan negara bahari yang terdiriatas lebih dari 17.000 pulau dengan garis pantai yang membentang sepanjang lebih dari 99.000 km. Secara geologi Indonesia memiliki banyakpatahan gempa karena dikelilingi oleh tiga lempeng tektonik, yaitu lempengIndo-Australia, lempeng Eurasia, dan lempeng Pasifik yang pertemuannya berada di laut. Di samping itu, wilayah Indone…
Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs) merupakan rangkaian agenda pembangunan berkelanjutan mulai tahun 2015 sampai 2030. SDGs terdiri atas 17 tujuan yang disepakati pada September 2015 oleh negara-negara anggota PBB, akan memandu pencapaian tujuan global yakni pembangunan berkelanjutan hingga tahun 2030. SDGs sesungguhnya disusun berdasarkan capaian Tujuan Pemban…
This open access book disseminates some of the results of the European H2020 AiRT Project (Technology transfer of RPAs for the creative industry). In particular, it presents findings related to mitigating safety and security concerns when civil drones are piloted by the service sector (mainly, the creative industry). European policies regarding drones generally focus on outdoor drones, but they…