Why do some languages wither and die, while others prosper and spread? Around the turn of the millennium a number of archaeologists such as Colin Renfrew and Peter Bellwood made the controversial claim that many of the world’s major language families owe their dispersal to the adoption of agriculture by their early speakers. In this volume, their proposal is reassessed by linguists, investiga…
The history of mathematics education is afield of study that is both old and new. It is old because scholarly works in the field began to appear over 150 years ago. Schubring (2014a) refers to Fisch (1843), as possibly thefirst work on the subject published in Germany. In the United States thefirst dissertations on mathematics education (Jackson 1906; Stamper 1906) focused specifically on i…
This book presents the outcomes of four years of educational research in the EU-supported project called ROLE (Responsive Online Learning Environments). ROLE technology is centered around the concept of self-regulated learning that creates responsible learners, who are capable of critical thinking and able to plan their own learning processes. ROLE allows learners to independently search for ap…